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AF Wife & Boy Mom
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David's 2nd Birthday!

David's 2nd Birthday!

I feel like I keep hearing people say “how did my baby get to be (insert age here)” with surprise and a little regret in their voice. I felt that exact way on David’s first birthday. But here we are at year two and I feel like he has been two for months! Maybe it is his hight and love for chit chat. Maybe its because it started preschool. Or maybe time is just flying by and I have learned to hold on for the ride and not be surprised by its passing anymore. (probably just his height… let’s be honest.) In any case, my sweet little blonde boy is TWO and we had the best time celebrating him with friends and family with a classic backyard fall festival, hay rides and all. To those that came to join us: thank you for your presence! I hope you left with your belly full and your heart even fuller. We felt so blessed to be home in ATL for this birthday, getting to celebrate with our GA (and AL!) friends and family.

His cake was a labor of love, but completely worth it- an apple cider cake with salted caramel buttercream and caramel apple filling. Highly recommend!

The hay rides, pumpkin painting and bonfire s’mores were a huge hit. And despite the warmer weather and sprinkles we had all day, the weather ended up cooperating and most people showed up in their plaid!

A Fine Weekend in VA

A Fine Weekend in VA

Baby makes FOUR!

Baby makes FOUR!